Open positions

We have open positions for graduate students and postdocs. We are looking for new group members with passion, talent, and grit!

MSc and PhD projects are not simply assigned to students; they are collaboratively defined through thoughtful discussions and considerations. I believe that passion is the catalyst for success, and I aim to present each student with a challenge that they feel motivated and excited to tackle. Projects readily available in our lab involve THz metasurfaces, single-pulse THz spectroscopy and single-THz-photon detection, and there’s more.

Applications for MSc, PhD and Postdoc positions

If you are interested in working with us as a graduate student or postdoc, please send me an email. State briefly why you are interested to join the group and attach a CV, including a unofficial transcript or information about the grades you had as an undergraduate. No need for a separate cover letter or certificates.

We especially welcome applicants with graduate scholarships or postdoc fellowships. As a Humboldt Fellow, I am happy to support German postdocs and visiting researchers interested to apply to the Humboldt Foundation to finance part of their research activities in my lab. For example: Feodor Lynen Fellowship. Also, exceptionally strong postdoc applicants should consider applying to the prestigious Banting fellowship.

Projects for uOttawa undergraduate students

If you are a physics or electrical engineering student at uOttawa looking for a Coop internship, a summer research projet or a Honour’s project, contact me (or any group member) per email or stop by my office.